Food & Drinks Lesson

  • Topic: Food & Drinks Lesson Dialogue
  • Communication Objectives: The goal of this lesson is to teach English learners how to order food in a restaurant and to express want.
  • Language Objectives: To learn to use the expressions ‘I want’ and ‘I would like’ to make a request. The lesson will focus on food and drinks vocabulary. The lesson will also teach students to use the modal verb ‘would’ to make a polite request.

food drinks

  • Dialogue Story:  Freddie and Lisa are out playing at a park. Lisa feels hungry and they decide to grab a bite. A conversation about food begins in the fast food restaurant.
  • Sentence Structures:
    • I’m starving.
    • Let’s get something to eat.
    • What would you like to eat?
    • I’d like an ice cream and a burger.
    • I’d like a glass of coke, please.

This lesson has a related vocabulary video. Click here to watch the vocabulary and grammar break down of this lesson. 

Food & Drinks Words & Sentences

  • Topic: Food & Drinks Words and Sentences
  • Vocabulary:  food and drink – sandwich, cake, pizza, ice cream, hamburger, bread, egg, hot dog, coke, lemonade, orange juice
  • Grammar:  We will learn to use the modal verb ‘would’ and the verb ‘want’ to order food. The modal verb ‘would’ is used to make requests sound more polite. We will also learn to use partitives ‘a bowl of’, ‘a piece of’.

food drinks

Modal Verb ‘Would’ for Polite Requests

  • What would you like to eat?
  • I would like a burger.
  • I’d like a burger.

The verb ‘to want’ when ordering food

  • I want a burger.
  • He wants a burger.

Food Partitives for Quantities

  • a glass of orange juice
  • a piece of cheese
  • a bottle of coke
  • a carton of orange juice
  • a cup  of coffee
  • a slices of orange
  • a bowl of noodles
  • a bar of chocolate

Clothes & Weather Dialogue

  • Topic: Clothes & Weather Dialogue
  • Communication Objectives: This English lesson will teacher learners expressions used when giving advice about clothes and the weather.
  • Language Objectives:  To learn to give weather and dressing advice using the modal verb 'should'. The lesson will also focus on common phrasal verbs and verbs used when describing clothes.

art class

  • Dialogue Story:  Freddie and Lisa are about to head out to the park when Mom notices they are not wearing the right clothes for the weather. She asks them to change their clothes and dress correctly for the weather.
  • Sentence Structures:
    • It's hot and sunny outside.
    • Put on your T-shirt.
    • Take off your sweater.
    • I'm wearing my yellow T-shirt.
    • You should put on your sunglasses.

This lesson has a related vocabulary video. Click here to watch the vocabulary and grammar break down of this lesson.

Clothes & Weather Words & Sentences

  • Topic: Clothes & Weather Words & Sentences
  • Vocabulary:  clothes, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, pants, skirt, hat, shoes, put on, take off, hot, sunny, sunglasses,
  • Grammar:  This lesson focuses on using the verb 'wear' used in descriptions in the present progressive. The lesson also looks at a few new contractions with the auxiliary verb ‘to be’.

art class

Present Progressive & Contractions

  • I am wearing a pair of sunglasses./ I’m wearing a pair of sunglasses.
  • She is wearing a pair of sunglasses./ She’s wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Other  Contractions

  • It is hot. / It’s hot.
  • You are right. / You’re right.

This lesson has a related dialogue video. Click here to watch the short dialogue related to this lesson.

Art Class, School Supplies

  • Topic: Art Class, School Supplies
  • Communication Objectives: This lesson teaches learners how to make basic requests and how to make polite requests in English.
  • Language Objectives: For low levels, this lesson will teach kids how to use the imperative form to make simple requests and also how to use modal verbs to make requests more polite. Kids will also learn to associate school supplies with action verbs they are often used with. For higher levels, teachers may also focus on 'going to do' to talk about future events which are certain.

art class

  • Dialogue Story:  Freddie, Sally and Bob are in an Art lesson with Miss Sue. Freddie has forgotten his pencil box and needs to borrow these school materials to draw, color and stick his shark on the board.
  • Sentence Structures:
    • What picture are we going to draw?
    • We are going to draw a big shark.
    • I forgot my pencil box.
    • I have an extra pencil.
    • Pass me the crayons please.
    • Cut out your sharks and stick them on the board.
    • Draw your shark's head again, Bob.
    • Can I use your crayons, please?

This lesson has a related vocabulary video. Click here to watch the vocabulary and grammar break down of this lesson. 

Art Class, School Supplies Words & Sentences

  • Topic: Art Class, School Supplies, Words & Sentences
  • Vocabulary:  eraser, glue, crayons, pencil, pen, pencil box, scissors, pass, give, cut, draw, book, paper etc.
  • Grammar:  The lesson focuses on using imperative forms to make requests and give commands. It also focuses on using modal verbs 'may' and 'can' to ask more polite questions.

art class

Modal Verbs for Polite Questions:

  • Can I  use your crayon?
  • May I  borrow your scissors?

Imperatives for giving commands and making requests

  • Pass me  the pencil.  
  • Give me  the eraser.  
  • Draw  a shark.  
  • Cut out your shark.

Action verbs & School Supplies Noun Association

  • We draw with a pencil.

This lesson has a related dialogue video. Click here to watch the short dialogue related to this lesson.

Shapes & Adjectives

  • Topic: Shapes & Adjectives
  • Communication Objectives: In this lesson, children will learn the names of shapes and how to describe them.
  • Language Objectives: Learn to use basic adjectives to describe things and also learn to use adverbs of sequence to talk about a process - first, next, then, finally.
  • shapes

  • Dialogue Story:  Lisa and Freddie are in their room looking at a book about shapes. Lisa asks Freddie to teach her the names of shapes. She wonders what we can do with shapes. Freddie shows her how to draw a clown using shapes of different sizes and color.
  • Sentence Structures:
    • It's a circle. A circle is round.
    • It's an oval.
    • A square has four equal sides.
    • We draw things with shapes.
  • Grammar:  Though not the main focus for low levels, this lesson also introduces adverbs of sequence which is using for describing a process.
    • First draw a big circle.
    • Next draw an oval for his mouth.
    • Finally, draw a big rectangle.

This lesson has a related vocabulary video. Click here to watch the vocabulary and grammar break down of this lesson.

  • Vocabulary:  square, rectangle, oval, triangle, circle

Shapes & Adjectives Words, Sentences

  • Topic: Shapes and Adjectives Words & Sentences
  • Vocabulary:  circle, oval, rectangle, triangle, square
  • Grammar:  This lesson will help kids use basic adjectives  to describe things by size and color. An adjective (big, small, red, black) describes a noun or thing.


Basic Adjectives:

  • a big red circle
  • a small black circle

This lesson has a related dialogue video. Click here to watch the short dialogue related to this lesson.

Actions Can, Can’t Dolphin Show Words & Sentences

  • Topic: Action verbs with can and can't, Words, Sentences
  • Vocabulary:  action verbs, swim, jump, read, write, fly, walk
  • Grammar:  This lesson will focus on using the present simple tense with modal verbs 'can' and 'can't ' to express abilities.  The lesson will also focus on using these verbs with pronouns - I, they.


Expressions with modal verbs 'can'.

  • Dolphins can swim.
  • Dolphins can't fly.
  • Contractions:

  • Dolphins can't fly. / Dolphins cannot fly.
  • Pronoun 'they' for a

  • I can't fly.
  • They can't fly.

This lesson has a related dialogue video. Click here to watch the short dialogue related to this lesson.

Actions – Can- Can’t

  • Topic: Action, can, cannot: Dolphin show
  • Communication Objectives: The aim of this lesson is to teach ESL learners how to express abilities in English.
  • Language Objectives: The objective is to teach learners how to use modal verbs 'can' and 'can't to express abilities. The lesson will in so doing, introduce a number of action verbs in the present simple tense.


  • Dialogue Story:  Freddie, Lisa and parents are watching a dolphin show. It is an exciting day out for the kids as they watch in amazement at some of the things dolphins can do. Lisa is so excited she tries to feed the dolphins and a happy dolphin makes a big splash.
  • Sentence Structures:
    • I can't jump that high.
    • They can swim and jump at the same time.
    • Dolphins can do many things.
    • Dolphins can't fly.
    • Can they read and write?
    • This lesson has a related vocabulary video. Click here to watch the vocabulary and grammar break down of this lesson.

    • Vocabulary:  action verbs - jump, swim, write, read, stand, fly